How to set up a blog using
After your decision to use whether or
- Go to or click above, click the orange "Create a blog" button.
- Fill out the registration information, click that you accept the terms of service, then click continue.
- Fill the information on the next screen, officially opening a Google account if you do not have before, the continue.
- Give your blog a name and choose a unique URL address. check the availability on the URL you have chosen, click continue.
- Scroll through the available templates and select one you think would admire or appeal to your character. click continue.
- Congratulation! ✌👊You will see a message saying; "Your blog has been created" on the screen. click "start blogging now".
For further Reading: How to start blogging,
Meaning of blog
First Step To A Successful Blogging
Becoming a successful blogger takes time and a lot of hard work with commitment.
The more important step in blogging is blog's brand. You need to first define your blog's brand in order for people to be interested in what you have to say, they need to know what to expect from you (who you are and what you have to offer to your readers) and so on.
3 Steps to take to brand your new blog or existing blog to the next level.
1. Know Your Purpose
Your have to first recognized the reason why your are doing it. Do you write to further your career in a particular profession?, or you want to quit your job and start full time blogging? and so on. You need to first understand this for you to have success in blogging.
Some people write/post about family, personal development, Food or juicy, philanthropist etc.
2. Define Your Personal Brand
For you to become a successful blogger, you need to define your personal brand. This explain about the identity your present to the world meaning you are comfortable with what you share with the public.
You must always write authentic and transparent write-up and keep you personal brand in mind as you communicate.
It can be difficult to remain true to your authentic brand when have attracted many readers. Whenever you feel yourself off track come back to the brand you identified with.
3. Identify Your Target Audience
Who is your target audience? To many people, the whole world is their target, i want the whole world to read my post(s)! That's is nice and ambitious but the fact remain that not everybody is interested in your post or blog. Be specific with your target, you are more likely succeed when you target your content to a specific audience.
You must envision your ideal reader(s). I mean, ask and answer these questions yourself. like How old he or she? What does he or she do for fun? Is he or she married? where does he or she live? and so on.
So, you need to keep all these in mind when you write.write content that is perfectly tailored to your ideal reader(s).
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